Grilled Cajun Potato Wedges

Cajun Potato

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Looking for an easy appetizer that feeds a ton, is impressive, and won’t break the bake? Homemade cajun potato wedges on the Legacy 132, and finished under the “Hasty Bake broiler.”



  1. Heat your Hasty Bake  Charcoal Grill to 375 degrees. Slice potatoes into wedges and place on pizza screen (this can be done on the grill grates, but a pizza screen makes it much easier).
  2. Spray with Duck Fat and season with your favorite seasoning (we used coarse ground sea salt and Meat church Holy Voodoo).
  3. Bake on the grill for 12-15 minutes, spraying with duck fat every 4-5 minutes. After 12-15 minutes, flip, season and grill the other side.
  4. Remove wedges from grill once they feel tender.
  5. Place in pan and sprinkle heavily with your favorite cheese and bacon bits. Raise grill temp to 400+ degrees by opening lid.
  6. Once all coals are glowing red, shake out the firebox to loosen all hanging ash, and, with heat-resistant gloves, place potatoes on the ash pan underneath the firebox.
  7. Lower the firebox to 3-4” above the pan and watch until cheese turns brown and bubbles.
  8. Remove, let cool and enjoy!
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