Whole-Smoked Turkey on the Hasty Bake

Whole Turkey

Prep time:

30 minutes

Cook time:

Approx. 30 mins per pound minutes

Difficulty level:


If you’ve been looking for a unique way to prepare your turkey this Holiday Season, look no further than this crowd pleasing recipe from BurnCo BBQ!



  1. Defrost turkey in the fridge for 2-3 days three days.
  2. *Optional- Brine for 12-24 hours using Hasty Bake Dang Good Brine.
  3. Pull gizzards and neck out, pull wings and legs away from body to relaxed position.
  4. Use the Wishbone Italian dressing to rub around under the skin until evenly coated.
  5. Then liberally apply Hasty Bake Gourmet Greek or Rub N Spice Seasoning (underneath skin and on skin).
  6. Cook at 225-250 degrees for about 30 minutes per pound.
  7. Your turkey is done when the temperature with a meat thermometer is 180° F in thigh and 165° F in breast.
  8. *Optional-add 1-2 fist size wood chunks (not soaked) for an even more smokey flavor for the first 1-2 hours. *Soak cheesecloth in chicken stock and lay over the top of the turkey about mid-way through the smoke to help with moisture. Baste cheesecloth periodically with additional chicken stock to keep cloth moist. Note: adding cheese cloth will most likely reduce the browning effect on the skin of the turkey during smoking process.
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